Current Recruitment
SAHSSI is currently recruiting for the following positions:
Casual Recruitment
SAHSSI is seeking Expressions of Interest from suitably qualified women who would like to be considered for relief casual work when it becomes available.
As a casual, you will be available to work as a Case Manager for block periods, this could be from 1 week up to 4 weeks. Positions include Crisis Accommodation Case Manager, and Outreach Case Manager for the Illawarra / Shoalhaven.
Successful applicants will have completed their Certificate IV Community Services (or equivalent), be able to demonstrate a sound understanding of domestic violence and its effects on women and children and have a demonstrated ability to work as part of a team to support individuals and /or families from diverse cultural and language backgrounds.
Applicants must have a current Working with Children Check and Police Check. If you require information regarding this, please contact us at (02) 4229 8523 or email us at
To be female is a genuine requirement for these positions under Section 31 of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977.
Required Application Documents
To apply, please complete the form below and upload the following documents listed below
(1) Your Resume
(2) Verification of Working with Children Check and Police Check